Questions answered.

Maybe I’ll write a poem too

about your eyes. They’re the color blue


but not like a healthy sky

but then again, you’re not a healthy guy.


icy, like, before a storm

do those “placeholders” keep you warm?


they must, but not like I’d do

what happens when they get wise, too?

Like me. won’t stick around to just continue being lied to.

I mean, shit —


I liked you a lot.

I didn’t only like you when you got bothered and hot.


These big brown eyes

They saw through your disguise

but they came back for more.

I wonder why – The butterflies.





The only things you keep in your mini-fridge are a couple of beers and a bag of Reese’s peanut butter cups


and “I’m in love with you.”


I indulge in your beaming energy like a long walk on the first sunny day of spring.


Your bed is a playground.

You laugh and suddenly I’m a child

Cheeks flushed,

discovering what a crush feels like


Play that song again,

the one that makes me scream

Even if you don’t get the riff just right

this room is still Just Like Heaven to me.

“I shouldn’t have said that”

his cousin with the deep eyes

felt like he could truly see me

I could get lost in that sea of warm tea & honey

and whiskey

like a hot toddy of a person



feel like I melted at some point and then tried to come back together but it’s all wrong

warmth like a candle, but not for me


he brought back pastries once, scones

I asked him which one I’d like and he gave me the vanilla because it’s “not too sweet”

I was too sweet on him